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Students grades 1-8 will take the STAR Test in the months of September, January and May.  The test is administered using Chromebooks.

Reading Test

​The tests measure a student’s reading comprehension skills. This test assesses a student’s understanding of various reading comprehension strategies, such as identifying main ideas and details, making inferences, understanding sequence, and understanding words and phrases in context. It also measures a student’s reading proficiency, fluency, and vocabulary skills. The results from the Star Reading test can help educators to identify students who may need additional support in reading, and to develop personalized learning plans to improve these skills.

How are the Renaissance Star test administered?

Renaissance Star testing is administered using computer-adaptive tests that are given online and intuitive. That means the question difficulty adjusts based on what the student can answer correctly, or what is answered incorrectly. If a student answers a question correctly, the test adapts to give a more difficult question next; if a student answers incorrectly, the next question’s difficulty is decreased. Each student gets a personalized testing experience that can gauge whether the student is performing at, above, or below grade level in specific areas.

How are Renaissance Star Reading scores and Renaissance Star Math scores found?

The Renaissance Star Reading scores and Renaissance Star Math scores are Scaled Scores (SS). The score is based on two factors: 1) the difficulty of the questions and 2) the number of correct answers the child gave. Because the test is an adaptive test, some students will receive less difficult questions, depending on how they answer preceding questions on the test. The SS for Reading and Math assessments range from 0-1400, while the SS for Early Literacy ranges from 300-900. The SS aligns with math and reading skills for each grade level. For example:

  • A reading SS of 0-500 corresponds to Grades 1-5

  • A reading SS of 500-900 corresponds to Grades 6-8

Scaled scores are useful for comparing your child’s performance over time and across grade levels.

Percentile Rank (PR)

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Instructional Reading Level (IRL) – Star Reading only

This score is a criterion-referenced score that shows the highest reading level at which a student is 80% proficient at comprehending material without assistance. The IRL can help teachers to match students with appropriate reading materials.

Student Growth Percentile (SGP)

This score measures a student’s growth compared to other students in the nation who had a similar test score history. An SGP of 60, for example, means the student’s growth exceeds that of 60 percent of students nationally with a similar test score history.

Math Test

The math test is designed to measure a student’s mathematical abilities and is typically used for students from first grade through high school. This test assesses a student’s understanding of various mathematical concepts, including number sense and operations, algebra, geometry, measurement, data analysis, and probability. It also measures a student’s problem-solving skills and mathematical reasoning abilities. The results from the Star Math test can help educators to identify students who may need additional support in math, and to develop personalized learning plans to improve these skills.

How is Renaissance Star testing used?

The Star assessments help teachers evaluate each student’s strengths and weaknesses, and can allow teachers to develop personalized instruction from their students’ results. It may also identify areas that need to be improved upon, revisited, or enriched for students, as well as monitoring growth and performance in relation to state standards and state tests. Star assessments can also be used to determine a student’s reading and math achievement level. A student’s score on the Renaissance Star Reading and Renaissance Star Math test will help determine if a child is qualified to be placed in the Accelerated Reader™ and Accelerated Math™ programs. The Early Literacy assessment helps educators monitor your child’s growth and progress towards becoming an independent reader. Renaissance Star Reading Spanish assessments help assess bilingual and dual-language students in the areas of Reading and possibly Math.

Scaled Score (SS)

The Scaled Score is the most fundamental score in the Star Reading and Star Math tests. It’s an equal-interval score, similar to measuring height in inches or centimeters, which allows for accurate comparisons of student performance over time and across grades. In Star Reading, the SS ranges from 0 to 1400, while in Star Math, it ranges from 0 to 1600.

Grade Equivalent (GE)

This score represents how a student’s test performance compares with average students in other grades. For example, a 5th-grade student with a GE of 7.6 on the Star Math test performed as well on the test as an average 7th grader in the sixth month of the school year would be expected to perform

Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD) – Star Reading only

The ZPD is a range of reading difficulty that is not too hard nor too easy, and is the level at which optimal learning takes place. It’s ideal for guiding students’ independent reading choices and setting personalized reading practice goals.

Remember, each of these scores provides a different perspective on a student’s performance and growth, and should be used in conjunction with each other for a comprehensive understanding of a student’s abilities and progress.

Renaissance Star Reading scores (Scaled scores)


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