1st Grade-Standards of Achievement and Learning
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Reading Language Arts
● Demonstrate command of standard English grammar and usage when speaking.
● Understand grade-level phonics and word analysis.
● Practice skills in decoding words.
● Demonstrate command of conventions.
● Apply correct capitalization, punctuation, and spelling.
● Choose and apply an array of strategies to determine the meaning or clarify unknown words.
● Identify oral reading with accuracy, appropriate rate,and expression on successive readings.
● Determine the purpose for reading on-level text.
● Identify the key details in an informational text.
● Describe the connection/relationship between the details of an informational text.
● Use various text creatures to locate key facts or information in a text.
● Identify comparable points between two texts on the topic.
● Demonstrate comprehension.
● Listen while others are speaking.
● Write an opinion piece, stating an opinion.
● Select a topic for an informative/explanatory writing.
● Apply strategies to add and subtract 20.
● Choose appropriate strategies to solve problems.
● Recall numbers and numerals up to 120
● Identify the measurement known as length of an object.
● Use a symbol for an unknown number in an addition or subtraction problem with 20.
● Recognize that analog and digital clocks are objects that measure time.
● Design, create, and test a device that communicates using light or sound.
● Identify similarities and differences of animal offspring and parents.
● Identify similarities and differences of mature and developing plants.
● Identify the sun as the central and largest body in the solar system.
● Obtain, evaluate, and communicate information.
Social Studies
● Name resources and products from the United States and around the world.
● Recognize a timeline and use it.
● Describe some important events in history.
● Recognize that history is about ALL -we are part of history.
● Identify the types of leaders in the same community.
● Know map terms.
● Recognize the uniqueness of individual classmates and others.
● Practice good work habits.