5th Grade-Standards of Achievement and Learning
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Reading Language Arts
● Use underling, quotation marks, or italics to indicate titles.
● Expand, combine, and reduce sentences for meaning, interest, or style.
● Draw inferences.
● Explain how multiple ideas are supported by key ideas.
● Compare/contrast the overall structure of events, ideas, concepts, or information.
● Locate an answer or solve problems efficiently from various print and digital sources.
● Explain explicitness of text by quoting accurately.
● Explain how a series of chapters, scenes, and stanzas fit together.
● Recognize meaning, tone, and beauty.
● Understand the importance of coming prepared for discussion.
● Identify key ideas presented during discussions.
● Explain the writer's purpose.
● Establish links between opinions and reasons using words, phrases, and clauses.
● Identify topics developed with facts, definitions, concrete details, quotations, and examples.
● Develop topics with facts, definitions and concrete details, quotations, and examples.
● Identify coordinates of a point on a coordinate system.
● Classify two-dimensional figures into categories and/or
● subcategories based on their attributes.
● Represent powers of 10 using whole number exponents.
● Solve real world problems involving division of unit fractions by whole numbers other than 0.
● Use order of operations including parenthesis, brackets, or braces.
● Solve multi-step, real world problems that involve converting units.
● Illustrate and explain division calculations by using equations, rectangular arrays, and/or area
● Distinguish materials based on their properties.
● Create a model to show the movement of energy from the sun, to plants to animals.
● Explain the process of seed development.
● Identify the relationship between the position of Earth with respect to the sun and the amount of
● Communicate information about protecting Earth’s resources and environment.
● Use mathematics and computational thinking.
● Develop and use models.
Social Studies
● Examine the impact of the early civilizations on the World.
● Explain the consequences of economic growth and depression.
● Identify the location of major world civilizations.
● Recognize countries of Asia and Europe.
● Identify different cultures within Europe and Asia.
● Describe sequence of events of the exploration and settlement around the world.
● Describe the wars that affected growth and expansion during ancient times.
● Understand the rights and responsibilities in written law.
● Understand the formation of political parties.