3rd Grade-Standards of Achievement and Learning
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Reading Language Arts
● Demonstrate command of standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking.
● Apply spelling, punctuation, and capitalization that I know.
● Recognize and observe differences between the conventions of spoken and written standard
● Determine the meaning of unknown and multiple meaning words or phrases by examining a
sentence to find clues.
● Distinguish the literal and non-literal meanings of words and phrases in context.
● Apply grade-level phonics and word analysis in decoding words.
● Demonstrate and understand foundational reading skills.
● Ask and answer questions to understand text.
● Refer explicitly to the text to answer questions and make logical inferences.
● Identify relationships within text.
● Use search tools to locate key facts or information in text and technology.
● Compare/contrast your own point of view to the author’s point of view.
● Identify structure(s) of paragraphs.
● Analyze a character’s feelings and/or emotions.
● Identify theme, setting, and plot.
● Write informative/explanatory texts that include a topic that groups related information.
● Write a personal narrative or opinion
● Multiple using an area model (array).
● Recognize the difference between a whole number and a fraction.
● Identify and define rhombuses, rectangles, and squares as examples of quadrilaterals based on
their attributes. Apply knowledge of place value to multiply one-digit whole numbers by multiples
of 10 in the range of 10-90.
● Multiple and divide within 100.
● Add, subtract, multiply, and divide units of liters, grams, and kilograms.
● Use unit squares of cm, m, in, ft and other sizes to measure an area.
● Persevere in solving real life multi-step word problems.
● Demonstrate the relationship between distance and strength of the force.
● Identify the progression of life for plants and animals as; birth, growth and
development,reproduction, death.
● Identify extinct organisms.
● Explain how changes in the environment such as pollution, natural disasters impact organisms.
● Identify weather related hazards.
● Construct explanations and design solutions.
Social Studies
● Identify factors such as climate, technology and job skills.
● Describe the basic function of, and parts of our government.
● Explore the significance of American Indians in the development of communities.
● Explain the connection between local,community, national, and world events.
● Locate continents and oceans on a map.