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2nd Grade-Standards of Achievement and Learning

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2nd Grade-Standards of Achievement and Learning

Reading Language Arts
● Produce, expand, and rearrange a sentence.
● Use reference materials as needed to check spelling. .
● Compare formal and informal use of English.
● Identify context clues within sentences and know how to use them to construct the meaning of
unknown or multiple meanings of words.
● Determine or clarify meanings of unknown or multiple meanings of words or phrases.
● Demonstrate understanding of word relationships.
● Apply grade level phonics and word analysis skills in decoding words.
● Apply reading strategies for accuracy, rate and expression.
● Describe key details in an informational text using the questions who, what, where, when, why
and how.
● Identify the main topic of a multi-paragraph informational text.
● Identify the structure of the story.
● Ask questions to better understand topics and text.
● Write Informative/explanatory texts that focus on a specific topic.
● Solve problems relating to data in graphs by using addition and subtraction.
● Write time using analog and digital clocks.
● Explain the values of each digit in three-digit numbers based on the place value of each digit.
● Use strategies to add up to four digit numbers
● Identify the unit of length for tools used (inches, centimeters, feet, meters).
● Identify the attributes of triangles, quadrilaterals, pentagons, hexagons, and cubes. (e.g. faces,
angles, sides).
● Classify matter as solid, liquids, and gas.
● Tell the difference between a control and variable in an investigation.
● Research how the earth changes suddenly over time.
● Plan and carry out investigations.
● Compare and contrast the different types of living things that are found in different places on land
and water.
● Construct a model of landforms and bodies of water.
Social Studies
● Illustrate the process of production and consumption of a product.
● Construct a family tree and relate it to immigration.
● Know the difference between a city, state, country, and the world.
● Distinguish between neighborhood,city/community, state, country, and continent.
● Identify the commonalities and differences of families.

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