Luke 18:16
“Let the children come to Me, and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of God.”
The purpose of our St. Sava Orthodox School is to obey God’s command and bring the children to Him. If any parent is unsure how to raise their children, the answer is in these words of Christ “Let the children come to Me”… If we bring them to Christ, He surely will save them, for He said “To such belongs the kingdom of God.” As such, we are committed to providing a superior academic program, where all students will be nurtured to learn and develop spiritually, morally, and intellectually to their fullest potential, within a safe and caring Orthodox Christian environment.
We love our children with the love that God put in our hearts. God is Love, Himself, so He really put His Self into our hearts. Life without Love, that is, without God, would not be possible, because where God is, Love is. St. John Chrysostom explains it beautifully when he said:
“Love is the passport with which man passes through all the heavenly doors without obstacle.
If a man trains his child correctly, and the child trains his child correctly and so on, the succession of good Christians will be like a golden chain.” St. John Chrysostom.
St. Sava Orthodox School is exactly that place, that beehive, where all children are offered spiritual honey into their incent souls through a daily curriculum and Church services. As our body constantly breathes the air, so too our soul needs to breathe in God, for: “God is not a small part of my life. He is my Life!” Beyond a solid foundation of academic subjects, our School offers your children this, what is more important than all the things in this world.
Striving to aid our children to go through life with God, the Life-Giver and Giver of every good thing, we invite you to enroll your children with our School! The aim of both parents and the Church is the same: to save the innocent souls of our beloved children, our most valuable wealth, and make them firm in the Holy Orthodox Faith. “Let the little children come to me, and do not forbid them, for to such belongs the Heavenly Kingdom!”
Hoping that you will respond to this invitation with gladness, I too am sincerely happy and pray to the Lord Christ, Who Himself was a Child, to pour His rich blessings upon you and your children!
Sincerely Yours in Christ,
V. Rev. Fr. Radomir M. Ćutilo,
Enhanced Learning
Our St. Sava teachers are highly qualified educators dedicated to providing an enhanced learning environment, which is focused on stimulating the bright minds and fulfilling their full potential. They are highly motivated and passionate when it comes to student development in communication, critical thinking, personal and social responsibility. The care and the respect for the Orthodox Christian faith, along with the Serbian heritage, is an example of our core values.

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